7 Reasons why your car air is blowing warm air

7 Reasons why your car air is blowing warm air

The air conditioning system in a car is designed to cool the inside of a vehicle. As the temperature increases, the air in the cabin gets warmer and it reaches a point where it can no longer be cooled anymore. The air conditioning system uses refrigerants to cool down the cabin and prevent overheating.

A car’s AC system needs to work at peak efficiency when it is working at maximum capacity, otherwise, it can lead to overheating and even dangerous situations. You might have noticed getting warm air from your car’s AC and it is important to be aware of the causes. 

So, Adarshar World, one of the best car repair centers in Hyderabad, here explain some of the reasons that you need to understand why your car’s A/C system blows warm air.


1. Your Car Air Conditioner Is Not Running

This is the most common reason your car air is blowing warm air, but it is not always so simple. The AC unit can be running, but it may not be working in a way that’s optimal for cooling your vehicle. If your car air conditioner has been running for a long time without being used, the system might need to be recharged before you can enjoy cool air again.


2. Blocked Air Filter

The air filter is an essential part of your car’s engine. It helps to reduce dirt and debris that may impact the performance of your car’s engine. If you have a clogged air filter, it will cause warm air to be blown into the cabin of your vehicle.


3. Bad Coolant Temperature Sensor

The coolant temperature sensor acts as a warning signal if there is a problem with your cooling system such as a leak or overheating. If this sensor is broken or defective, it will cause warm air to be blown into the cabin of your vehicle.


4. Refrigerant Leak

Refrigerant is a liquid that circulates through your car’s A/C system, as it removes heat and humidity from the cabin. A refrigerant leak can cause the air coming out of your car’s air conditioner to be warm. This is because the system is not able to create a cold enough environment for your car. The problem may be with the compressor, condenser, or evaporator.


5. Compressor Failure

Another most common issue with your car’s air conditioning system is a compressor failure. This can be caused by a number of reasons, such as a leak in the refrigerant circuit, or a faulty compressor. If you suspect that the air blowing from your car’s vents is warm, it’s best to have your vehicle checked out by a certified car mechanic in Hyderabad.


6. AC Clutch Failure

The clutch on the AC compressor is responsible for controlling the flow of refrigerant to the condenser. When it fails, the air blowing out of your vents will be warm. This is because when the AC clutch fails, it will not allow any refrigerant to flow through it and into the condenser. The hot air coming from the engine will then be blown into your car instead of being cooled by a cold refrigerant.


7. Issue With The Electrical System

If all the components are in working order, your car may be blowing hot air because of a problem with an electrical system. So, if you are having trouble with your car’s air blowing air, you should first check to see if there are any other issues with your vehicle. If not, then you will need to take care of this issue by checking for a blown fuse or an alternator problem.

We at Adarsha World, the top car mechanics in Hyderabad hope that this article helps you to learn about the potential reasons why your car AC is blowing hot air. 

If you notice any of these problems are causing your car to blow hot air, drive to Adarsha World. We’ll give your car A/C a thorough and accurate inspection.

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