9 Symptoms that your car needs a wheel alignment

9 Symptoms that your car needs a wheel alignment

The alignment of wheels is an important part of keeping your car on the road. When tires are out of alignment, it can cause uneven tire wear, which can lead to a blowout. But, what actually is a wheel alignment? Read on.

Wheel alignment is a process that ensures that your vehicle’s wheels are pointing in the right direction and at the right angle. The goal of this process is to ensure that your vehicle travels in a straight line and does not show any signs of premature wear.

You might think you don’t need an alignment because it sounds complicated and expensive. But if you pay attention to the signs on your vehicle and learn how to spot when an alignment is needed, you’ll save money in the long run.  

As explained by Adarsha World, the best car repair center in Hyderabad, here are nine warning signs that your car needs a wheel alignment:

1. Uneven ride

 If your ride is not as smooth as it used to be, it may be because there is something wrong with your car’s wheels. You might want to have a tire rotation done while they are still new if they are worn out or balding too much.

2. Car pulls to one side

One of the easiest ways to identify if your car needs a wheel alignment is when your car pulls either to the left or right side. It is normal for slight pulling to a side, however, if you find that you have to constantly steer to keep straight- your car likely got a problem with wheel alignment. 

3. Wobble or shake when driving at high speeds

If you notice that when you go over bumps or potholes in the road, one side of your vehicle ends up moving faster than the other side does.  Then this could mean that one wheel has become misaligned or out-of-round (out of its normal position).

4. Vibrations

Vibrations due to improper wheel alignment are a common issue with vehicles. This can lead to accelerated wear and tear of the components in the vehicle. These vibrations can be caused by misalignment of wheels, tires that are under-inflated or worn out, or a faulty suspension system.

5. Steering Wheel is Off Center

A crooked steering wheel is a sign that your vehicle needs a wheel alignment. The steering wheel will be tilted to one side or the other. This can happen for many reasons, but the most common cause is when the front wheels are not aligned with each other.

6. Abnormal Tire Wear

If you notice that your vehicle is not handling well, it could be because of abnormal tire wear. This is usually a sign that your vehicle needs a wheel alignment. Wheel alignment is the process of adjusting the angles of the wheels and ensuring that your car’s tires are wearing evenly.

7. Improper Handling of Steering

A loose steering wheel is a warning sign that your car needs to be wheel aligned. Steering becomes loose when the wheels are not aligned with the vehicle’s center line. When this happens, your wheels are not in contact with the ground and it is difficult to keep your car on the road.

Finally, a wheel alignment is a quick and easy way to solve common steering problems and increase your vehicle’s performance. A properly aligned wheel will reduce tire wear, improve handling, and help prevent future damage caused by uneven wear on tires.

 It is important to know that tire alignment is not a situation that you can ignore.  It may seem like a minor inconvenience, but in an emergency situation like you have to make a sharp turn at high speeds, wheel alignment and the response of your vehicle plays a critical role in avoiding collisions.

If you are still unsure about your car’s alignment or the safety of your vehicle, please feel free to contact us at Adarsha World and have it checked out.

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