9 warning signs that your car gearbox needs repair

9 warning signs that your car gearbox needs repair

A car transmission, also known as a gearbox, is an essential part of your car. It helps to shift gears and transfer power from the engine to the wheels. If you notice any problems with your car’s gearbox, they should be addressed immediately as they can cause major damage if left unchecked. Here are seven things you need to know about when your car gearbox needs repair:


1. Unusual Noises

Noises such as grinding, buzzing, clunking, or thumping are all signs your gearbox is in need of repair. It could be a worn bearing or an issue with the linkage and if it’s left unchecked can cause further damage.


2. Difficulty Shifting

If you find it difficult to shift gears in your car then it’s a sure sign your gearbox needs repair. This could be due to worn-out belts, broken linkage, or clogged gears, and can make driving unsafe. This can also cause major damage to the engine.


3. Leaking Fluid

The fluid in your car’s gearbox is used to lubricate the transmission and keep it running smoothly. If you notice any leaks then it’s an indication your gearbox is in need of repair. This can lead to further damage if not dealt with promptly.


4. Unusual Vibrations

If you feel your car vibrating when you shift gears then it’s a sign that something is wrong with the transmission. This could be due to a worn part or an issue with the linkage and can cause major issues if left unchecked.


5. Burning Smell

If you can smell burning coming from your car then it’s a sure sign of an issue with the gearbox. This could be due to worn parts or overheating, both of which need to be addressed immediately. So, if you smell something burning coming from your car, take it to a mechanic for repair.


6. Dashboard Warning Lights

Most cars now have warning lights on their dashboard to indicate when something is wrong with the transmission. If you see any of these lights come on then it’s important to take your car in immediately for repair.


7. Low Fluid Levels

Your car’s gearbox requires a certain amount of fluid to operate correctly. If you notice the level is low then it’s an indication your transmission needs servicing or repair. Regularly checking and topping up the fluid levels can help to prevent any major issues from occurring with your vehicle.


8. Slow or Slipping Gears

If you feel a lag when shifting gears or the transmission slips then it’s an indication your gearbox needs to be serviced. This could be due to worn parts and can cause major damage if left unchecked, so take your car in for repair as soon as possible.


9. Excessive Wear and Tear

If your car is showing signs of excessive wear and tear then it’s likely an issue with the gearbox. This could be due to worn parts or a lack of lubrication, both of which need to be addressed immediately.

By knowing the signs that indicate when your car’s gearbox needs repair, you can help to prevent major issues from occurring with your vehicle. If you notice any of these problems then take your car in for repair immediately. This will ensure that your car is running safely and smoothly!

At Adarsha Auto world, we understand the importance of looking after your car gearbox and we can help you with all of your automotive repair needs. Our qualified mechanics make sure that every job is completed to a high standard, so why not drop in and see us today? Contact Adarsha Auto world now for more information or to book an appointment.

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