9 Signs your car needs an oil Change

9 Signs your car needs an oil Change

If you’re like most car owners, you probably don’t think about getting your car’s oil changed very often. But if you want to keep your vehicle running smoothly and avoid costly breakdowns down the road, it’s important that you pay attention to these signs that indicate it might be time for an oil change.


As explained by Adarsha Autoworld, one of the best car servicing centers in Hyderabad, here are the signs that your car needs an oil change.


1. Your engine has trouble starting or doesn’t start at all.

If your engine is having trouble turning over or doesn’t turn on at all, this could be a sign of several different issues with the car, including dirty oil. A lack of clean oil may cause friction in the engine and prevent it from turning smoothly or at all, resulting in serious damage over time.


2. Your engine is making knocking sounds while it’s running.

Having clean oil is crucial to ensure that all the internal parts of your engine are moving smoothly and without any friction. If you notice any strange noises coming from your engine, it could be a sign that you need an oil change immediately before more serious issues develop.


3. You smell burning rubber or smoke coming from under the hood.

 If you notice a strong burnt rubber smell or even see smoke billowing out from underneath the hood of your car, this is a major sign that something is wrong with your engine and it may be time for an oil change.


4. Your dashboard light is on or flashing.

If you notice any lights on your dashboard are illuminated or flashing red and yellow, one possible explanation might be that your oil isn’t at the correct level and needs to be topped off. Always take these warning signs seriously since not attending to them right away could lead to costly repairs later down the road!


5. You can see dark spots or stains under the car when it’s parked.

If you notice dark spots or drippings underneath your car when it’s parked, this is also a clear sign that an oil change may be necessary. Oil leaking out of the vehicle means there might not be enough clean oil inside your car to keep all the parts moving smoothly and without friction.


6. Your engine isn’t running as efficiently as usual.

While there are many factors that could affect how efficiently your engine runs aside from dirty oil, if you start noticing that it doesn’t seem like it used to, this could definitely be a sign that you need an oil change more often than usual. 


7. You’ve been driving more than the average amount lately.

It is necessary to get your car’s oil changed more often than before. This is because the increased wear and tear on your vehicle will cause the oil to break down faster and become dirty quicker, so it’s important to stay on top of things by getting regular changes as needed.


8. Your car is due for its yearly maintenance checkup.

Even if you don’t notice any of the signs mentioned above, it’s important to ensure that your car is up-to-date on all its maintenance as well. Your vehicle manufacturer should have a recommended mileage for when you need an oil change, so just be sure to check in with your reliable car service center when you hit that time.


9. You have trouble accelerating or maintaining speed while driving.

If you find yourself pressed to the gas pedal and struggling to maintain speed or accelerate properly, this could be a sign that your engine is struggling under the strain of too little clean oil.

While it may not seem like a big deal to put off an oil change, doing so can have major repercussions in the long run. So, whether it’s an oil leak, a faulty spark plug, or even something as serious as a blown cylinder head gasket, our team of skilled technicians is here to help you.

At Adarsha Autoworld, we are committed to providing the highest quality service for all your car maintenance needs. Our team is highly trained and has access to some of the most advanced equipment, so we can get your car back on the road quickly and efficiently.

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