9 Signs that your car needs battery change

9 Signs that your car needs battery change

As a car owner, you know that keeping your car in good condition requires regular maintenance. One of the most important components of your car is its battery. A battery that is in poor condition can lead to a number of problems, including decreased performance and even engine failure. 

So, how do you know when it’s time for a new battery? In this blog post, Adarsha Auto World, one of the best car repair centers in Hyderabad outlines some signs that your car needs a new battery. Keep reading to learn more!


1. Your car is slow to start

This is perhaps the most common and obvious symptom that your car needs a new battery. If your car is taking longer than usual to start up, it may be time for a change. Car batteries typically last between two and five years, so if yours is on the older end of that spectrum, it may be time for an upgrade.


2. Your car’s lights are dimming

If you’ve noticed that your car’s headlights or interior lights have been dimming, it could be a sign that your battery is running low on power. This is because the battery powers all of the electrical components in your car, so when it’s running low, those components will be the first to be affected.


3. Your car is making strange noises

If any strange noises come from under the hood of your car, it could be a sign that your battery is failing. A common noise is a clicking sound when you turn the key in the ignition. This is caused by the starter solenoid, which is powered by the battery, so if the battery doesn’t have enough power, the solenoid won’t engage and the engine won’t start.


4. Your car’s electronics are acting up

If your car’s electronic accessories, like the radio or GPS, are acting up or not working at all, it could be a sign of a dying battery. This is because those accessories are powered by the battery, so if the battery is running low on power, it will start to be affected.


5. Your car is stalling

If your car has been stalling more frequently, it could be a sign that the battery is losing power. This is because the battery provides power to the ignition system, so if it’s not providing enough power, the engine can stall.


6. Your check engine light is on

If your car’s check engine light is on, it could be a sign of a battery issue. There are a variety of reasons why the check engine light can come on, but one of them is a low battery voltage. So if you’ve noticed that your check engine light is on, it’s a good idea to get your battery checked out.


7. Your car is leaking fluid

If you notice any fluid leaking from under your car, it could be a sign of battery failure. Battery acid is a corrosive substance, so if there is a leak, it can damage the surrounding area. If you see any fluid leaking from your car, it’s important to get it checked out as soon as possible.


8. Your car’s battery is swollen or bloated

If you notice that your car battery is swollen or bloated, it’s a sign that it’s not working properly. This is usually caused by overcharging, and it can lead to the battery exploding. So if you see this, it’s important to take your car to a mechanic as soon as possible.


If you’ve noticed any of these signs, it’s a good idea to take your car to an experienced car mechanics and have the battery checked out. If it turns out that the battery needs to be replaced, it’s important to do so as soon as possible to avoid any further damage to your car. 

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